Since Java 6, adding a system tray icon has been straight forward. The two main classes involved are SystemTray and TrayIcon . Various OS might render and operate the icon differently. Typically, there is a status message on hover, a short-cut action on left click, and possibly a menu on right click. The TrayIcon supports all this. In the example code below, an 16x16 pixel PNG is used, and auto-scaled up to about 24 pixels, which is what I’ve configured by XFCE panel.
private void initIcon () throws AWTException {
if (! SystemTray . isSupported ()) {
System . err . println ( "System tray not supported." );
return ;
Image image = Toolkit . getDefaultToolkit (). getImage (
"com/rememberjava/ui/favicon_16.png" );
TrayIcon trayIcon = new TrayIcon ( image , "RJ Tray Demo" , popup );
trayIcon . setImageAutoSize ( true );
SystemTray tray = SystemTray . getSystemTray ();
tray . add ( trayIcon );
Here’s the full example class listing.
/* Copyright Licensed under GPL 3. See */
package com.rememberjava.ui ;
import java.awt.AWTException ;
import java.awt.Image ;
import java.awt.MenuItem ;
import java.awt.PopupMenu ;
import java.awt.SystemTray ;
import java.awt.Toolkit ;
import java.awt.TrayIcon ;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent ;
public class TestTrayIcon {
private PopupMenu popup ;
public static void main ( String [] args ) throws Exception {
TestTrayIcon test = new TestTrayIcon ();
test . initMenu ();
test . initIcon ();
private void initMenu () {
popup = new PopupMenu ();
addMenuItem ( "item1" );
addMenuItem ( "item2" );
private void addMenuItem ( String label ) {
MenuItem item = new MenuItem ( label );
item . addActionListener ( this :: click );
popup . add ( item );
private void click ( ActionEvent e ) {
System . out . println ( "Clicked: " + e . getSource ());
private void initIcon () throws AWTException {
if (! SystemTray . isSupported ()) {
System . err . println ( "System tray not supported." );
return ;
Image image = Toolkit . getDefaultToolkit (). getImage (
"com/rememberjava/ui/favicon_16.png" );
TrayIcon trayIcon = new TrayIcon ( image , "RJ Tray Demo" , popup );
trayIcon . setImageAutoSize ( true );
SystemTray tray = SystemTray . getSystemTray ();
tray . add ( trayIcon );